
About Us

Scotland Titles was founded with the purpose of helping to preserve the natural wilderness of Scotland, and give back to nature that which is being eroded by humanity.

Climate change and deforestation are global crisis affecting each of us. These effects can only be stopped, or reversed, by each person consciously contributing toward reducing their footprint and impact on the environment.

The international treaty on climate change, known as ‘The Paris Agreement’, was adopted by 196 Parties at the Unitedat United Nations COP21 Conference in Paris. Its goal is to limit global warming to “well below” 2 degrees centigrade compared to pre-industrial levels. The Paris Agreement also commits signatories to achieve net-zero emissions.

In 2008 the UK government took action to reduce its contribution, and became the first major economy to legislate for net zero emissions by 2050; the fastest rate of any major economy.

Now is the time to act, to awaken our social conscience and create a positive contribution towards reversing the harm that has been caused to our wonderful planet.

At Scotland Titles, our mission is to contribute toward these targets through two projects. And we need your help and support.


Your Purchase Will Help Preserve The Natural Beauty Of Scotland, For Decades To Come

Securing your own plot of land will not only enable you to receive the title of Lord or Lady – it will also support conservation efforts in the area. We plant a tree with every purchase. This makes a positive contribution to the environment and helps preserve the breathtaking wilderness of the Kingdom of Fife. 

Dividing ownership among hundreds of people also ensures this stunning land can remain untouched by developers. You’ll help keep the natural splendor of Scotland intact, for decades to come!

  • Help Preserve The Wilderness of Kingdom of Fife

  • Your Land Remains Untouched By Developers

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